Are you getting the right referrals?

Sep 24, 2019 | Business

Good morning and welcome to the Nef nugget. I’m fresh out of vacation, so I’m excited to get back to you guys and talk about one act that will inspire you to act and motivate you to move and act as my acronym. Activate your faith, commit to your plan, and take action. It’s actually the title of my book or part of the title, how to act, activate faith, commit to a plan, take action that will change your life. Good morning to whoever’s joining me today. And today we’re gonna talk about are you getting the right referrals? And we’re talking about this because if you’re a person like myself, where throughout your entrepreneurial journey you might have started out in one niche or one expertise and you have transitioned based on what was more fitting for you in the present that people, friends, peers, they may still be referring you people based on what you were doing in your business previously.

And so this is what I want y’all to do. I want you to have a conversation with these with your peers, your friends or family. So like I said, maybe you’re like me and you initially wanted to be a coach, so you initially got trained as a life coach and maybe you’ve transitioned just like myself, I initially got trained as a life coach and then I transitioned into financial coaching to include credit repair services. And then now I am helping experienced entrepreneurs get clarity around who they serve and how to serve it, serve them and confident in their sales skills so they can make cash. So if you made these type of transitions in your business, then you need to have a conversation that is your one tip for today. Go back to your friends, your family, your peers, anyone that they refer people to you and have a conversation and say, hey, I want to make sure that you’re clear on what type of referrals I’m looking for.

And so that they can get it right because they may be referring you to people that you no longer serve or they may be telling people you do x and you don’t do that anymore. So then you’re getting these referrals and you’re like, hmm, they really have no clue about what I do. So have the conversation, talk to them and say, hey, you know, I know the last time we spoke you were sharing with me that you was telling somebody about me. You said, you know, I have a friend that’s a life coach and just wanted to update you like, Yes, I did get trained in that, but I’m not doing that anymore. Or they might’ve said, hey, I got a friend that she sells Mary Kay and um, you know, and I know how much you love makeup and then you find out she’s no longer sell selling Mary Kay, she’s now selling Avon.

Whatever the case may be. Go back to your peers, your family and friends. Anybody that you think may give you a referral and have the conversation and ensure that they are clear on who it is that you serve and what type of referrals that you need to help build your business. And also, while you’re having that conversation, ask them, do they know anybody that you can help? You may ask them, do they know anybody that may be interested in the event or if maybe they know of a venue, whatever it is that you need, ask them for it. They may have a resource to be able to, to refer someone or something to you that can assist you. So if you’re not getting the right referrals, more than likely your people, your peers, your family, your friends, your associates possibly don’t know exactly what you do and you, it’s your job to clear that up. So you can catch me here every Monday morning at 10:00 AM eastern standard time where I give you one tip, then inspire you to act and motivate you to move. So I believe that you should have a business bank account that reflects all the long hours, countless sacrifices and sleepless nights you have done to take a leap of faith in the view of the business, of your dreams. And so the next time take care and God bless. Bye.