An effective way to market offline

Jul 29, 2019 | Business

Good morning and welcome to the Nef Nugget, where I give you one tip that will inspire you to act and motivates you to move. On, today’s Nef’s Nugget we’re talking about, I effective way to do some offline, marketing. So some of you, even though you’re running an online business, it would, help, if you do some offline things as well. Building your business online is great, but there’s, there’s also some great effective offline marketing strategies as well. Today, we’re going to talk about networking. I know, especially for those who have, identify as an introvert that you, oh my God, I don’t like being with a crowd of people is so exhausting, you know? It takes so much of my energy, I just feel so out of place, however is very effective and you don’t have to think of networking. As a way of just going networking events and passing out business cards.

For me, network is any opportunity you have to tell somebody about what do you do? So whether you go out, so a social gathering with some girlfriends or couples and you’re meeting some new people for the first time. You know they may ask you what you do and even if you’re still working a 9-5 and building a business on the side or your full time, your business. I always advocate, you only talk about your business, right? When people ask you what you do, you know, they’ll say, oh, I worked for this company, this is my title. I’ve been there x years. You always lead with what you do, in your business, what is it that you do in the business that you have that you’re running. Also if you volunteer, that’s another place where you might be, meeting New People and

have the opportunity to share with people what it is that you do. So just don’t think of networking in terms of I’m going to this networking event or this business mixer and I’m just going to be doing a whole bunch of passing out business cards. No. Any opportunity that you, you get to meet new people. Share with them what you do, how you. You never know, who those people know . You want to be the first person they think of, when they hear hear somebody that is in need of your, service or your product. So one effective offline marketing strategy is networking. Give it a try. I started this year, I joined a networking group. It has been great for my professional development. It’s giving me an opportunity to meet a lot of new different types of people. Now more people know about what I do and how I serve them. So then in turn they know, how to refer appropriate clients to me. Comment below and let me know about your networking experiences.